Open Access Policy
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) is having ISSN 2277-3754(Online), Monthly journal, being published by IJEIT Publication, Since January 2012. It is a scholarly, online Refereed international monthly journal which aims to publish peer reviewed original research result oriented or Quality survey papers in the fields of Engineering to promote New Innovative Technologies.
In Open Access publication representation neither readers nor a reader’s institution are charged for access to articles or other resources. Users are free to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles for any non-commercial purpose without requiring a subscription to the journal in which these articles are published. Peer-reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. Funders invest in research in order to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, encourage innovation, enrich education, and stimulate the economy to improve the public good. They recognize that broad access to the results of research is an essential component of the research process itself.
Journal take initiative to open up citation data (I4OC). Journal comply with I4OC to support openness and enhance discoverabilty of published content.Following are key benefits of I4OC.
The establishment of a global public web of linked scholarly citation data to enhance the discoverability of published content, both subscription access and open access. This will particularly benefit individuals who are not members of academic institutions with subscriptions to commercial citation databases.
The ability to build new services over the open citation data, for the benefit of publishers, researchers, funding agencies, academic institutions and the general public, as well as enhancing existing services.
The creation of a public citation graph to explore connections between knowledge fields, and to follow the evolution of ideas and scholarly disciplines.
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