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Name of Research Article (Volume 6 Issue 3, September 2016) ISSN: 2277-3754 (ISO 9001:2008 Certified) |
Page No. |
1. |
Study of Noise Levels in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) in Public Hospitals in Gaza City, Gaza Strip (Author's:Abed SCHOKRY) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/2U6MV
1-7 |
2. |
Data Throughput Maximization for Moving Receiver Using Adaptive Modulation with OFDM System (Author's:Mohammed B. Shukur, Younis M. Abbosh) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/HB382 |
8-16 |
3. |
Linear Array of Non-Uniformly Spaced Antennas with Non-Uniform Excitation Amplitude (Author's:Ifeoma B. Asianuba, Amthony .N. Nzeako) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/C9EJ2 |
17-21 |
4. |
The Role of Accident Investigation in Reducing Road Traffic Accidents (Author's:Tarik H. Badi, and Abdulfatah Altumi) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/QY37E |
22-31 |
5. |
Self destruction model for protecting data in cloud storage based on data storage center (Author's:Shankar Gadhve, Prof. Deveshree Naidu) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/HA82B |
32-37 |
6. |
Bacteriological Analysis of Cow Milk SampleSuspected of Being Affected with Sub-Clinical Mastitis (Author's:Subha Ganguly and Rajesh Wakchaure) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/PXZ69 |
38-39 |