Volume 5 Issue 6 December 2015
S.N. | Name of Research Article (Volume 5 Issue 6, December 2015) ISSN: 2277-3754 (ISO 9001:2008 Certified) | Page No. |
1. | A Minimally Invasive Electromyography-based System for Pre-fall Detection (Author's:Gabriele Rescio, Alessandro Leone, Andrea Caroppo, Flavio Casino, Pietro Siciliano) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/PY8VC |
1-7 |
2. | Resistance Estimation for Sensor less Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives (Author's:Eng.MamdouhKamal Eldin,Dr.Salama Abo-Zaid) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/D9VJG | 8-12 |
3. | Electronic Modeling of Human Ear (Author's:Dr. Sadiq Jafer Abbass, Mais Odai Abdul Rassul) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/9DRXA | 13-16 |
4. | Performance analysis of color images with lossycompression by using inverse Haar matrix (Author's:Reem Talib Miri, Hussain Ali Hussain) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/NS72V | 17-24 |
5. | Performance Analysis of Twenty Seven Level POD Modulation based Cascaded H-Bridge Multi Level Inverter Topology (Author's:B.Anusha, Dr K.Satyanarayana, Ch. V. V. Manga Lakshmi) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/2MG7Z | 25-31 |
6. |
Effective Secret Communication in Preventing Cyber Crimes Using Affine Transformation A Review (Author's:Harsh Mathur, S. Veenadhari) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/BQPME |
32-37 |
7. | Fabrication of Polymeric Micro needle Array by Micromachining & Micro molding (Author's:N Balashanmugam, Naveen K, Prasad Krishna, G C Mohan Kumar) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/4HZ6C | 38-41 |
8. | Analysis and Comparison of Adaptive Beamforming Algorithms for Smart Antenna(Author's:Snehal N Shinde, Ujwala G Shinde) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/CEAZU | 42-47 |
9. | Malevolent detection techniques of MANETs in WSN: A Review (Author's:Priyanka V, Sumathi Poobal, Jose Anand) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/X8YFV | 48-54 |
10. | Production of Mahua Methyl Ester as a fuelreplacement to diesel (a laboratory study) (Author's:Amit Kumar, Dr. A Veeresh Babu , Dr. C.H. Tyagi) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/7WKNC | 55-58 |
11. | Traffic Management Using Swarm Intelligence and Route Selection Using Android Application (Author's:Santwana Panda, Anjali M. Patki, Kedar Hushing) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/7PWUY |
59-63 |
12. | Sustainability, Prospect and Challenges of Renewable Energy in Bangladesh (Author's:Shah Mohazzem Hossain, Md. Rokonuzzaman, Mohammed Hossam-E-Haider) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/7R9BJ | 64-69 |
13. | Evaluation and application a new approach for downscaling climate change projections over urban areas and its implications on health (Author's:Roberto San José , Juan L. Pérez , Libia Pérez , Rosa M. González, Antonio Garzón) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/SVYK9 | 70-77 |
14. | Laparoscopic combined colorectal and liver resection for primary colorectal cancer with synchronous liver metastases (Author's:Ciprian Duta, Dan Brebu, Cristi Tarta, Amadeus Dobrescu) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/WJNBR | 78-83 |
15. | DECRYPTION SYSTEM OF THEMATIC TEXTS IN SPANISH USING FREQUENCY ANALYSIS INCLUDING UNIGRAMS, BIGRAMS AND TRIGRAMS (Author's:Bárbara Emma Sánchez Rinza, María del Rocío Guadalupe Morales Salgado, Pablo León Morales. Benemérita) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/XABTV | 84-88 |
16. | New coefficients of rail transport usage (Author's:Krzysztof Lewandowski) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/USWFK | 89-92 |
17. | Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Reinforced Light-Weight Concrete Sections under Eccentric Loads (Author's:Dr. Omar A. EL-Nawawy, Dr.Amr H. Zaher, Dr.Amgad A.Talaat &Eng. Ahmed S.Mostafa) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/VSA3H | 93-104 |
18. | Influence of Interfacial Tensionon Dynamicsof Multiphase Flow in Mini-Channel (Author's:S.Kirubanandan) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/2W6HN | 105-110 |
19. | Multiway Mobile Charging (Author's:Vishakha D. Mane, Hemali S. Choudhari, Kaushik N. Gavand, Sarika N. Patil) DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/XKS3E | 111-114 |
Sustainability, Prospect and Challenges of Renewable Energy in Banglades
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