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Name of Research Article(Volume 4 Issue 11, May 2015) ISSN: 2277-3754 (ISO 9001:2008 Certified) |
Page No. |
1. |
Synthesis of MgFe2O4 spinel using steel waste as iron resource (Author's:G.C. Díaz, E.A. Reynoso, Ma. C. Castañon-Bautista, O. Novelo, R. Jordan)
1-4 |
2. |
Bit Error Rate Reduction in Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 20001x Mobile Communication Network Using Antenna Diversity Technique (Author's:Feagwu E.N., Ejiofor H.C., Obi P.1., Okafor C.S.,Okoro K.C) |
5-9 |
3. |
Field Programmable Gate Array Based Intelligent Traffic Light System (Author's:Agho Osarenomase, Faisal Sani Bala, Ganiyu Bakare) |
10-16 |
4. |
Performance Evaluation of Network Coding in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks (Author's:Saed Tarapiah, Kahtan Aziz, Shadi Atalla) |
17-24 |
5. |
Pesticide Alternatives for Controlling Root rot and Root knot of Cucumber under Plastic House Conditions (Author's:Abdel-Kader, M.M., Hammam, M.M.A., El-Mougy, N.S.,Abd-Elgawad, M.M.M.) |
25-31 |
6. |
Experimental-theoretical studies of phase fluctuations and associated characteristics of optical waves (Author's:Vladimir P. Lukin) |
32-46 |
7. |
Factors Affecting Bond between Repairing Con-crete and Concrete Substrate (Author's:Magda I. MOUSA)
47-56 |
8. |
Improving Signal Reception in Cdma20001x Network Using Antenna Diversity Technique (Author's:Feagwu E.N, Alor M., Obi P.I, Ejiofor H.C., Okoro K.C) |
56-59 |
9. |
New Metaheuristic Methodology for Loss Reduction through Feeder Reconfiguration (Author's:O. Abarrategui, A. Iturregi, D.M. Larruskain, I. Zamora)
60-67 |
10. |
PLC Based Sensor and Instrumentation for Crop Disease Forecasting System (Author's:Vhatkar Dattatraya Shivling, Sudhir Kumar Sharma, C Ghanshyam, Harpreet Singh, Shubhani Dogra) |
69-73 |
11. |
Effect on Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Silica Fume for High Grade (Author's:C.G. Konapure, V.S Dasari) |
74-77 |
12. |
A Novel Approach of Face Recognition UsingStatistical Features and Neural Networks (Author's:T.Chandrasekhar,Dr.K.GIRIBABU, Dr.Ch.Sumanth Kumar) |
78-81 |
13. |
Energy Efficient Consumption based Performance of AODV, DSR and ZRP Routing Protocol in MANET (Author's:Keshav Nayak, Neelesh Gupta) |
82-90 |
14. |
Design of Improved iLEACH using ACO for WSN (Author's:Jaspreet Kaur, Dr.Vinay Chopra) |
91-97 |
15. |
Cognitive Radio, Its Applications and Architecture (Author's:Amandeep Kaur, Priyanka Aryan, Gobinder Singh) |
98-102 |
16. |
A Novel Approach to Network Security Situational Awareness Methods and Models (Author's:Chintada Srinivasarao, J UdayKumar) |
103-107 |
17. |
A Review on Image Enhancement Techniques (Author's:Shikha Mahajan, Richa Dogra) |
108-113 |
18. |
A study on digital watermarking algorithms (Author's:Kudratpreet Kaur, Malkit Singh) |
114-117 |
19. |
Closed Loop Speed Control of DC Drive Using Atmega8L Microcontroller (Author's:Trupti Gajbhiye, B.S Dani) |
118-122 |
20. |
Effect of Machining Parameters on Surface Roughness for Titanium Alloy (Author's:Dinesh Kumar Chauhan, Kapil Kumar Chauhan, Ganga Sagar Singh) |
123-130 |
21. |
Lowering Location of Lights, Repair of Temperature, Repair Tables-Chairs, Seting Distance Eyes to Computer, and Adjustment Using Mouse to Improve Performance (Decrease Fatigue, Complaints and Pain Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)) On Computer Users in Company X (Author's:I Ketut Wijaya) |
131-135 |
22. |
QoS and Failover Routing in Tethernet (Author's:Kavita Sharma, Puneet Rani, Tanu Kwatra) |
136-138 |
23. |
Modeling and Control Design of Quad copter Fail safe System (Author's:Chun-Yi Lin and Wu-Sung Yao) |
139-144 |
24. |
Drying Kinetics of Biological Materials in a Combined Solar Dryer (Author's:Radivoje M. Topić, Dragomir M. Aćimović, Milovan Živković) |
145-149 |
25. |
Student Information Retrieval using RESTdesc (Author's:Dr. G. Rama Mohan Babu and Morsa Chaitanya) |
150-154 |
26. |
Timed Up and Go test and wearable inertial sensor: a new combining tool to assess change in subject with Parkinson’s disease after automated mechanical peripheral stimulation treatment (Author's:Manuela Galli, Ana Kleinera, Maria Gaglione, Patrizio Sale, Giorgio Albertini, Fabrizio Stocchi and Maria Francesca De Pandis) |
155-163 |
27. |
Hybrid Human-Machine Interface to Mouse Control for Severely Disabled People (Author's:Natalia M. Lopez, Eugenio Orosco, Elisa Perez, Sergio Bajinay, Roberto Zanetti, Max E. Valentinuzzi.) |
164-171 |
28. |
Enhance Audio Signal Watermarking Using Dwt Haar Wavelets (Author's:Abhishek, Pawandeep Kaur) |
172-179 |
29. |
Comparative Analysis of Effects of Filler Materials on Performance of Asphalt (Author's:OLADAPO, S.A. and ADETORO, A.E.) |
180-182 |
30. |
Improving Computer Inspection: Through Document Clustering and Automatic Cluster Summarization (Author's:Adagale Sushadevi Shamrao, Amrit Priyadarshi, Shubhangi Sagar Vairagar) |
183-187 |
31. |
A Review of PCB Defect Detection Using Image Processing (Author's:Anoop K. P, Sarath N.S, Sasi Kumar V. V.) |
188-192 |
32. |
Analysis of the absorption spectra of epitaxial lead telluride and lead selenide layers (Author's:A.M. Pashaev, O.I. Davarashvili, M. I. Enukashvili, Z. G. Akhvlediani L.P.Bychkova, M.A.Dzagania, V.P. Zlomanov) |
193-198 |
33. |
Audio Steganographic Approaches: A Review (Author's:Hiranlal T. H , Neenu Go pal and Sasikumar. V. V) |
199-203 |
34. |
Face and Expression Recognition Techniques: A Review (Author's:Rishin C. K, Aswani Pookkudi, A. Ranjith Ram) |
204-208 |
35. |
Review on Image Watermarking usingBidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition (Author's:Sinsha P. P., Ranjith Ram A.) |
209-213 |
36. |
Single Tuned Passive Harmonics Filters Design For A Buck Type Rectifier D.C Motor Drive Using Fuzzy Controller (Author's:Omar Turath Tawfeeq) |
214-219 |
37. |
Internal Combustion Engines – A Comprehensive Study (Author's:M Suresh, Dr. R. Hari Prakash, Dr. B Durga Prasad) |
220-224 |
38. |
Characteristics comparison of Brushless DC motor drive using PI and PWM Techniques (Author's:N.Manju Vani , T.Rajesh , M.B.Pavankumar Raju) |
225-229 |
39. |
Review of Fingerprint Compression Based on Sparse Representation (Author's:Sarath N. S, Anoop K. P and Sasikumar. V. V) |
230-234 |
40. |
A Review on Depth Estimation for Computer Vision Applications (Author's:Dineesh Mohan, Dr. A. Ranjith Ram) |
235-239 |
41. |
Realizing participatory model of teaching in architectural education: Towards participatory building services studio from theory based classes (Author's:Ar. Sushil Kumar Solanki, Ar. Sandeep Sankat) |
240-243 |
42. |
Evaluation of Seed Coating with Some Essential oils and Bio-agents against Root Rot Disease of Faba Bean (Author's:El-Mougy, N.S., Shaban, A.M.H., Abdel-Kader, M.M.) |
244-248 |
43. |
A Framework for Monitoring Air Pollution Produced by Diesel-Powered Generators Installed for GSM Base Stations in Nigeria (Author's:Dr. Godfrey Ekata) |
249-254 |
44. |
Performance Evaluation of Four - Stroke Single Cylinder DI Diesel Engine Using Different Blends of Diesel and Grape Seed Biodiesel (Author's:C. Sreedhar, Dr. B. Durga Prasad) |
255-261 |
45. |
Integrated Field Approaches of Yeast and Some Food Preservatives Treatments for Controlling Postharvest Green and Blue Molds of Eureka Lemon (Author's:El-Mougy, N.S., El-Gamaal, N.G., Abdel-Kader, M.M., Abd-Elgawad, M.M.M.) |
262-266 |
46. |
Determination of Base Shear and Displacement for Multi-Storey Building with Different Location of Shear Wall Using STAAD.Pro (Author's:Aliya W.Khan and S.D. Charkha) |
267-269 |
47. |
An Approach to Analyze Quality of Service (Author's:Attiuttama, Akhilesh Kumar Singh) |
270-274 |
48. |
A Novel Approach of MIME Sniffing using AES (Author's:Ankita Singh, Amit Saxena, Dr.Manish Manoria) |
275-279 |
49. |
Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey (Author's:Shubhi , Akhilesh Kumar Singh) |
280-286 |
50. |
Performance Evaluation of MPLS Network with Failure Protection using OPNET Modeler (Author's:Aamani Nemturand Mohamed El-Sharkawy) |
287-291 |
51. |
Thermo-Structure of Dual-Bell Nozzle (Author's:K Shiva Shankar, S Shailesh babu, A Sai Kumar, Prof. TBS Rao) |
292-299 |
52. |
Biological and Chemical Resistance Inducers as Seed priming for Controlling Faba Bean Root rot Disease under Field Conditions (Author's:Abdel-Kader, M.M., Shaban, A.M.H., El-Mougy, N.S.) |
300-305 |