S.N. |
Name of Research Article(Volume 4 Issue 7, January 2015) ISSN: 2277-3754 (ISO 9001:2008 Certified) |
Page No. |
1. |
Iterative Refinement and Edge Processingin PDE-based Image Restoration (Author's:Hwan Hee Park and Seongjai Kim) |
1-10 |
2. |
Identification of Sources and Propagation Paths of Noise and Vibration in Rotary Compressors (Author's:Marlipe Garcia Fagundes Neto, Marcus Antonio Viana Duarte) |
11-19 |
3. |
Active Noise Control in Ducts: Sensor Positioning Using FRF and FEM Analysis (Author's:João Gabriel Oliveira de Miranda,Marcus Antonio Viana Duarte) |
20-24 |
4. |
Stereo Vision Based Therapeutic Massage Evaluation System (Author's:Hiroko Komai, Takayoshi Tezuka, Takeshi Hashimoto, András Rövid, Kaeko Yamashita) |
25-30 |
5. |
A Comparison of Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation and Costs for EPON and GPON Technologies (Author's:Sulaiman Khalifa Yakhlef, Omar Abusaeeda, Ismail sherina) |
31-35 |
6. |
Design and Fabrication of High Gain Low Noise Amplifier at 4 GHz (Author's:Tran Van Hoi, Nguyen Xuan Truong, Bach Gia Duong) |
36-40 |
7. |
Effects of induction heating process parameters on hardness profile of 4340 steel bearing shoulder using 2D axisymmetric model (Author's:Habib Hammi, Noureddine Barka, Abderrazak El Ouafi) |
41-48 |
8. |
Sustainable Design Thinking and the Site Selection of Recycling Center of Packaging Waste in Izmir by Using the AHP Approach (Author's:Mustafa Seckin Salvarli, Huseyin Salvarli) |
49-58 |
9. |
Effect of Auxiliary Injection Ratio on the Characteristic of Lean Limit in Early Direct Injection Natural Gas Engine (Author's:Tran Dang Quoc) |
59-63 |
10. |
Application of Fmea Method in a Manufacturing Organization focused on Quality (Author's:Faisal KP, Falah Ummer, Hareesh K C, Munavir Ayaniyat, Nijab K, Nikesh P, Jibi R) |
64-70 |
11. |
Jamming Detection Methods to Protect Railway Radio Communication (Author's:S. Mili, V. Deniau, D. Sodoyer, M. Heddebaut, S. Ambellouis) |
71-77 |
12. |
Virtual Mouse (Author's:Dikshant Rathod, Kanchan Kadlag, Savita Anarase, Poonam Gavade) |
78-80 |
13. |
Effect of Blending of Soymilk with Cow Milk (Author's:Neha, M.P. Gupta, Avinash Tiwari) |
81-84 |
14. |
Human Age Estimation Framework using Bio-Inspired Features for Facial Image (Author's:Santhosh Kumar G, Dr. Suresh H. N.) |
85-88 |
15. |
Experimental Investigation on California Bearing Ratio (CBR) For Stabilizing Silty Sand with Fly Ash and Waste Polypropylene (Author's:PHANI KUMAR. V,CH. NAGA BHARATH,D. GANGA,P. SWATHI PRIYADARSINI) |
89-92 |
16. |
Efficient Forwarding Protocol to Tolerate Selfish Behavior in Social Mobile Network (Author's:C. Radha, Dr. S. Prabha, P. Sakthi Priyanka, S. Gomathi) |
93-97 |
17. |
An optimization of Machining Parameters On Cutting force and Surface Finish in Milling of Cs-GFRP (Author's:I.S.N.V.R.Prasanth, Dr.D.V. Ravishankar, Dr.Manzoor Hussain) |
98-103 |
18. |
Three Factor Authentication using Location (Author's:S.S.Mule, Chitra Raskar, Yogita K.Bhor, Archana Marne, Vishalsingh Nikumbh) |
104-106 |
19. |
Intrusion Detection System using Bayesian Approach (Author's:S. Saravanan, Dr. R M. Chandrasekaran) |
107-112 |
20. |
Spring Framework: Spring Web Flow Navigation (Author's:Anant Shri Panthri) |
113-117 |
21. |
An Explore to Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Network (Author's:R. A. Ostwal, M. B. Kalkumbe, S. A. Bhosale) |
118-120 |
22. |
Economic and Jobs Impacts of Enhanced Fuel Efficiency Standards for Light Duty Vehicles in the USA (Author's:Roger H. Bezdek, MISI, Robert M. Wendling, MISI) |
122-135 |
23. |
Solution of Integro differential equation by Taylor collocation Method (Author's:Chirag R Trivedi) |
136-140 |
24. |
Impact of Slum Rehabilitation Project in Bangalore City: A Case Study of Pantharapalya (Author's:Dr. B. Shankar, B. S. Vasanthi) |
141-146 |
25. |
Experimental steady to produce steam by solar energy using solar dish concentration with copper coil receiver (Author's:Ghanim Kadhim Abdul Sada, Afreen Emad Sa’ad-Aldeen) |
147-149 |
26. |
Comparative Study Between e-One Hand Finger Spelling and e-Sign Language for Hearing Impaired Persons Regarding Day-to-Day Activities Using an Object Oriented Approach (Author's:Dr. Karim Q. Hussein, Dr. Maha A. Al-Bayati) |
150-157 |
27. |
Cache Coherence Mechanisms (Author's:Sultan Almakdi, Abdulwahab Alazeb, Mohammed Alshehri) |
158-167 |
28. |
Glass-ceramic, using TV screen and galvanic wastes as raw materials (Author's:G.C. Díaz, J. Alvarado-Rivera, Ma. E. Zayas, Ma. C. Castañon-Bautista, O. Novelo) |
168-172 |
29. |
The Integrated Middleware Framework for Heterogeneous Internet of Things (IoT) (Author's:Bhagyashri Katole, Suresh V.) |
173-177 |
30. |
A Comparative Study on Architectural Styles from the Perspective of Network-Based Hypermedia Systems (Author's:A. D. Devangavi and Dr. Rohit P.) |
178-182 |
31. |
Comparative Analysis of Methods of Banks Bankruptcy Risk Forecasting under Uncertainty (Author's:Ovi Nafas Aghaei Agh Ghamish, Yuriy Zaychenko) |
183-188 |
32. |
One shot bipolar saw tooth-like waveform converter as piezoelectric driver of stick-slip motion (Author's:Tai-Shan Liao) |
189-192 |