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Name of Research Article(Volume 4 Issue 5, November 2014) ISSN: 2277-3754 (ISO 9001:2008 Certified) |
Page No. |
1. |
Multiple Classifiers Combination Applied to OCR of Tifinagh Alphabets (Author's:Brahim SABIR, Yassine KHAZRI, Ahmed JADIR, Bouzekri TOURI, Mohamed MOUSSETAD)
1-8 |
2. |
To Prediction Of Corrosive Failure Of Materials in Nonstationary Temperature Field (Author's:L. Kh. Talybly, E.T. Bagirov) |
9-11 |
3. |
Design and Control of Tendon-Driven Mechanism with 2N Configuration: A Feasibility Study (Author's:Hyun Min Do, Chanhun Park, Doo Hyeong Kim) |
12-15 |
4. |
New Compensation Algorithm for Dynamic Voltage Restorer in Medium Voltages Level (Author's:Atefe Kiani Haft lang, Ehsan Gharibreza, M.Baledi, A.Kiani Haft lang) |
16-22 |
5. |
Determination of Apparent Viscosity as Functionof Shear Rate and Fibres Fraction in Polypropylene (Author's:Lukáš Likavčan, Miroslav Košík, Jozef Bílik,Maroš Martinkovič) |
23-26 |
6. |
Towards an Adaptive QoS of Cloud-based Web Services (Author's:Mohamed-K HUSSEIN) |
27-32 |
7. |
Aspects of seismic hazards caused by the Mining (Author's:Lothar Becker – Daugherty) |
33-36 |
8. |
Quantification of Bioactive Compounds of Pink Pepper (Schinus Terebinthifolius, Raddi) (Author's:Alessandra Almeida Castro Pagani; André Luiz Gomes de Souza; Danilo Santos Souza; Rejane Andrade Batista; Anne Caroline Rocha Xavier; German Dario Pagani) |
37-41 |
9. |
A Novel Approach of OptimumMulti-criteria Vertical Handoff Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (Author's:Mykhailo Klymash, Bohdan Stryhalyuk, Ivan Demydov, Mykola Beshley, Marian Seliuchenko) |
42-52 |
10. |
K-means Clustering based Outlier Removal for Image Registration (Paper withdrawn by Author's) |
53-56 |
11. |
Hedging of One European Option of Integral Type in Black-Scholes Model (Author's:Omar Glonti, Omar Purtukhia) |
57-61 |
12. |
Method of Underground Wastewater Disposal into Deep Horizons (Author's:L. Anichshenko, A. Anichshenko) |
62-66 |
13. |
Context-aware QoE-based multimedia network architecture (Author's:Javier Añorga, Jon Goya, Saioa Arrizabalaga, Iñaki Álvaro, Amador Pozo) |
67-73 |
14. |
The Effect of Rocker Ratio and Connecting Rod Length on the Kinematic and Dynamic of A Crank-Rocker Mechanism with an Extended Rocker Input Link (Paper withdrawn by Author's) |
74-80 |
15. |
Gas Driven Circulation in an Air-Water Loop (Author's:Bruno Panella, Cristina Bertani, Mario De Salve, Mario Malandrone) |
81-88 |
16. |
Nonparametric Multivariate Tests for the Right Censored Data when the Alternative is One-Sided (Author's:Hyo-Il Park) |
89-95 |
17. |
Denoising Method based on Wavelet Transforms: A Review (Author's:Praveen Sharma, Lokesh Singh) |
96-101 |
18. |
India’s Energy Strategy, Development and Security (Author's:Uma Shanker Ram, S.K. Singh, V. Moghe, R.I. Sisodia, D.K. Singh, S.K. Arsia, M.K. Yadav, C.M. Deo, V.K. Shrivastava) |
102-103 |
19. |
A Non-Newtonian mathematical Model on the two phase renal mean blood flow in renal arterioles with special reference to Kidney Infection (UTI) (Author's:Neelam Bajpai, V. Upadhyay, A.K. Agrawal, P.N. Pandey) |
104-111 |
20. |
A Non-Newtonian mathematical Model on the twophase renal mean blood flow in renal arterioles with special reference to Diabetes (Author's:Harish chandra, V. Upadhyay, A.K. Agrawal, P.N. Pandey) |
112-118 |
21. |
Side Lobe Reduction of a Concentric Circular Antenna Array using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) (Author's:K. Rajesh Kumar, S. Aruna, K. Srinivasa Naik) |
119-124 |
22. |
Security in Cloud by Diffie Hellman Protocol (Author's:Abdul Muttalib Khan, Mohd. Haroon Khan, Dr. Shish Ahmad) |
125-128 |
23. |
Simulation and Implementation of PWM Inverterfed Induction Motor Drive (Author's:G. Pandian, S. Rama Reddy) |
129-134 |
24. |
Technique for Visual Explanation of Hidden Web Query Interfaces (Author's:Krati Chauhan) |
135-138 |
25. |
Standby Power Reduction System (Author's:Reshma AR) |
139-142 |
26. |
Block based Partition Data Encryption Technique: A Review (Author's:Rajni Tiwari, Lokesh Singh) |
143-147 |
27. |
Particle Swarm Optimization: Algorithm for an improved computational performance to solving Economic Dispatch Problems (Author's:Rakesh Sharma, Bharat Bhushan Jain, Ravinder Singh Maan, Vivek Prakash) |
148-151 |
28. |
Heat transfer enhancement by jet impingement on dimpled surface with different cavities (Author's:P. V. Lutade, P. M. Khanwalkar, S. S. Kore) |
152-155 |
29. |
Development of Easy Teaching Interface for aDual Arm Robot Manipulator (Author's:Chanhun Park and Doohyeong Kim) |
156-160 |
30. |
Channel Allocation in Wireless Communication using Genetic Algorithm (Author's:Nishant Ranjan Pathak) |
161-164 |
31. |
A New Empirical I-V Model of CNTFETs for the Design of Electronic Circuits (Author's:Agostino Giorgio) |
165-168 |
32. |
Optical fibers for computer applications (Author's:Abhijeet Badapanda, M K Badapanda) |
169-175 |
33. |
Human-Robot cooperation with double stages of impedance (Author's:Chanhun Park and Doohyeong Kim) |
176-180 |
34. |
Analysis of Bonding Strength of Ultrasonic Welding Process (Author's:Vijay Singh pal, Pavan Agrawal) |
181-185 |
35. |
The Innovative Analysis of the Refinement Ability Exstractive Slag (Author's:A. W. Bydałek, S. Biernat, A. Bydałek, P. Schlafka) |
186-193 |
36. |
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Mass Transport during Annealing of Mechanically Activated Composite Granules of Ni–Al System (Author's:Lurie S.,Abuzin Yu., Sokolov R., Karashaev M., Belov P.) |
194-200 |