S.N. |
Name of Research Article(Volume 4 Issue 1 , July 2014) ISSN: 2277-3754 (ISO 9001:2008 Certified) |
Page No. |
1. |
Electromagnetic Emission Analysis for IC Packaging Structures (Author's:Nick K. H. Huang, Li Jun Jiang) |
1-5 |
2. |
Growth of Zinc Oxide Nano-Rod Thin Film for Hemoglobin Biosensor Applications Prepared Using Sol-Gel and Aqueous Chemical Growth (Author's:Hanan ABD El Zaher ABD EL Wahab, Omar Nur, Magnus Willander, Aida ABD EL Karim Salama, ABD El Menem El Saeid, I. K. Battisha) |
6-13 |
3. |
Investigation of Joining Ability of Different Welding Technologies at Joining Mg Alloy (Author's:Peter Zifčák, Miroslav Jáňa, Tomáš Kramár, Marcel Kuruc, Emil Seliga, Igor Kostolný) |
14-19 |
4. |
Reducing Pollution of Stabilized Landfill Leachate by Mixing of Coagulants and Flocculants: a Comparative Study (Author's:M. Assou, A. Madinzi, A.Anouzla, M.A. Aboulhassan, S. Souabi, M. Hafidi) |
20-25 |
5. |
Integral Functionals of the Nadaraya-Watson Regression Function (Author's:Dimitri Arabidze) |
26-32 |
6. |
Integration between Yeast and Some organic salts Treatments for controlling Tomato Fruits Decay (Author's:Nadia, G. El-Gamal, Nehal S. El-Mougy, Abdel-Kader M.M., El-Mohamady R.S.R.) |
33-39 |
7. |
Synthesis and Growth Mechanism of Amorphous Silica Nano wires Using Humic Acid (Author's:El-Shazly M. Duraia, Gary W. Beall) |
40-44 |
8. |
Audio Compression Based on Discrete Cosine Transform, Run Length and High Order Shift Encoding (Author's:Zainab T. DRWEESH, Loay E.GEORGE) |
45-51 |
9. |
The Use of Cytogenetic Technology in The Occupational Selection of Labour Resources for the Oil Fields of Siberia (Author's:Nicolai N. Ilyinskikh, Ekaterina N.Ilyinskikh, Anna E. Yankovskaya) |
52-56 |
10. |
Description, Bulk Composition and Hydrocarbons Distribution of Some Egyptian Crude Oils (Author's:Ashraf Yehia El-Naggar) |
57-60 |
11. |
Bio-compost Application for Controlling Soil-borne Plant Pathogens – A Review (Author's:Mokhtar, M.M., El-Mougy, N.S.) |
61-68 |
12. |
Primary Time Constant Calculation of Power System (Author's:R. Abd Allah) |
69-74 |
13. |
Extraction and Chromatographic Analysis of Gases Dissolved in Water Base Mud (Author's:Ashraf Yehia El Naggar) |
75-78 |
14. |
Structural and Electrical Properties of Sr - Substituted Perovskites Nano crystalline Lamno3 (Author's:G.N.Chaudhari, A.B.Bodade, D.K.Burghate) |
79-83 |
15. |
Extension of Euler’s Theorem on Homogeneous Functions for Finite variables and Higher Derivatives (Author's:Vishant Shah, Jaita Sharma) |
84-87 |
16. |
Simulation of Different Behaviors of the Blowing Air through Air Conditioner Using Lattice Boltzmann Method (Author's:Kaushal Patel) |
88-91 |
17. |
Modification in Manufacturing Process of Rod K24 Leading to Reduction in Overall Manufacturing Cost By Spm, New Bending & Chamfering Operations (Author's:Harsimran Singh, Balpreetsingh) |
92-97 |
18. |
An overview on Information retrieval from web using clustering process (Author's:MANOJ KUMAR VEMULA) |
98-103 |
19. |
Einstein's Field Equation and Energy (Author's:Dipo Mahto, Md Shams Nadeem, Murlidhar Prasad Singh, Krishna Murari Singh & Ashok Prasad Yadav) |
104-107 |
20. |
Diffusion Stability of Mechanical Equilibrium inIsothermal Gases (Author's:K.Kaliyeva, Kossov V.N.) |
108-115 |
21. |
Tribological Behavior of Sintered Iron Based Ternary Alloy under Unduplicated and Lubricated Condition (Author's:S.B. Halesh, P. Dinesh) |
116-120 |
22. |
FTIR and thermal studies of gel-grown, lead-iron-mixed levo tartrate crystals (Author's:H.O. Jethva, M.J. Joshi) |
121-127 |
23. |
Antagonistic Yeast for Controlling Bean Root Rot Disease under Field Conditions (Author's:Mokhtar, M.M., El-Mougy, N.S.) |
128-132 |
24. |
Numerical Behavior of Fingering Phenomenon in a Homogeneous Medium Involving Magnetic Fluid (Author's:N. S. Rabari, A. S. Gor and P. H. Bhathawala) |
133-141 |
25. |
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Human Systemic Arterial System (Author's:Ketan B. Naik, Dr. P H. Bhathawala) |
142-148 |
26. |
A Study of Evaluation of Groundwater Quality of Bathinda Region of Punjab (Author's:Sunaina Mittal, Shakti Kumar Arora) |
149-154 |
27. |
Holder Valuation for Z-Module (Author's:M. H. HOSSEINI, A. ALLAHYARI) |
155-157 |
28. |
Implementation of Data hiding scheme in video (Author's:Rajesh Kumar,Pinky Ramchandra Shinde,Gopal Prajapati) |
158-161 |
29. |
Effect of Some Botanical Powdered Plants against Root Rot Disease Incidence of Bean under Field Conditions (Author's:Mokhtar, M.M., El-Mougy, N.S., Abdel-Kareem, F., El-Gamaal, N.G., Fatouh, Y.O.) |
162-167 |
30. |
Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering (DEEF) in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (Author's:Ritu Kadyan, Kamal Saluja) |
168-172 |
31. |
Thermal Deflection of a Thin Rectangular Plate (Author's:A. A. Kulkarni, R. T. Walde, N. W. Khobragade) |
173-176 |
32. |
Development of a 3-Seater Chair-Bed (Author's:Akinola A. O., Olugbade, T. O., Adamolekun T. M.) |
177-181 |
33. |
Thermal Stresses of a Thick Circular Plate due to Heat Generation (Author's:S. S. Singru, A. A. Kulkarni, N. W. Khobragade) |
182-186 |
34. |
An Approach to Analyze Pattern from Large Database of Healthcare (Author's:BABITA, PARAMJEET RAWAT, PARVEEN KUMAR) |
187-190 |
35. |
Inverse Thermo elastic Problem of Semi Infinite Rectangular Beam due to Heat Generation (Author's:Ashwini Mahakalkar; Ranjana S. Ghume, N. W. Khobragade) |
191-196 |
36. |
Performance of RC Beams with web Opening Subjected to Pure Torsion Strengthened with CFRP (Author's:Khaled Fawzy, Mahmoud M. Hashem, Ahmed M. Elnady) |
197-204 |
37. |
Interior Thermo elastic Solution of a Hollow Cylinder (Author's:Ranjana S. Ghume, Ashwini Mahakalkar, N. W. Khobragade) |
206-211 |
38. |
GIS Based Health Care Information System for Aurangabad City (Author's:Amrapali C. Dabhade, Dr. K. V. Kale) |
212-216 |
39. |
Thermal Stresses of Semi Infinite Rectangular Beam with Internal Heat Source (Author's:Sachin Chauthale; A. A. Navlekar; S.H. Bagade, N. W. Khobragade) |
217-221 |
40. |
Increasing survival study of kidney HEK-293T cells in magnetic field vortices and nano-fluid (Author's:T Cordova-Fraga, AA Espinoza-García, G Barbosa-Sabanero, HA Pérez-Olivas, EF Rosas-Padilla, JC Martínez-Espinosa, JJ Bernal Alvarado) |
222-225 |
41. |
Thermal Stresses of a Hollow Cylinder due to Heat Generation (Author's:Ritesh Ganar; A. A. Navlekar; R. T. Walde and N. W. Khobragade) |
226-229 |
42. |
New Predictive Block Matching Searching Algorithms and Hybrid Predictive Search System (Author's:Zainab J. AHMED, Loay E.GOERGE, Bushra A. SULTAN) |
230-235 |
43. |
Thermal Stresses of a Thin Rectangular Plate: AnInverse Problem (Author's:Ritesh Ganar; A. A. Navlekar; S. H. Bagade and N. W. Khobragade) |
236-239 |
44. |
The Effects of Safety Optimization on Highway Alignment: A Review (Author's:Seyed Mahdi Sajjadi, Mohd Zulkifli Bin Mohd Yunus, Othman Che Puan, Taha Mehmannavaz, Seyed Amir Hossein Beheshti) |
240-246 |
45. |
Thermo elastic Problem of a Thick Circular Platedue to Heat Generation (Author's:Sachin Chauthale, A. A. Navlekar; and N. W. Khobragade) |
247-251 |
46. |
Quantitative Analysis of Automation and Manual Testing (Author's:R. M. Sharma) |
252-257 |
47. |
Computation of Optimal Structural and Technical Parameters of Solar Dryer (Author's:K. M. Khazimov; G. C. Bora; B. A. Urmashev; M. Z. Khazimov; Z. M. Khazimov) |
258-268 |
48. |
Survey of Root and Foliar Fungal Diseases of Grown Tomato at Different Locations in Egypt (Author's:R.S.R. El-Mohamady, Nehal S. El-Mougy, M. M. Abdel-Kader, Mejda Daami-Remadi ) |
269-276 |
49. |
Study the optical, structural and electrical properties of CdSe nanoparticles with different Se concentration (Author's:Mohammed T.Hussein, Thekra K. Abd Al Raheem, Omar A. Ebrahim, Bushra A.Hassan, and HasanB.Jasim) |
277-283 |
50. |
A Study on the Different Image Segmentation Technique (Author's:Rozy Kumari, Narinder Sharma) |
284-289 |
51. |
Load Frequency Control in a Restructured Power System with Hydrogen Energy Storage unit with the Computation of Ancillary Service Requirement Assessment Indices (Author's:ND. Sridhar , I.A.Chidambaram) |
290-305 |
52. |
Tea Compost Application for Controlling Potato Late Blight under Field Conditions (Author's:Nehal, S. El-Mougy, Abdel-Kareem, F., Abdel-Kader, M.M., El-Gamaal, N.G., Fatouh, Y.O.) |
306-310 |
53. |
A Study of Fuzzy Modules through a Functor (Author's:Dr. Pravanjan Kumar Rana) |
311-314 |
54. |
A Collaboration Analysis Study of Food Chemistry Journal (Author's:Burcu Umut Zan, Nuray Zan) |
315-321 |
55. |
Study on the water quality of selected drinkingwater sources in and around Kallanai area,Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu (Author's:M. Prem Nawaz, S. Raja Mohamed, A.Ayeshamariam) |
322-324 |