S.N. |
Name of Research Article(Volume 3 Issue 12 , June 2014) ISSN: 2277-3754 (ISO 9001:2008 Certified) |
Page No. |
1. |
Corrosion Analysis using Non-linear Parabolic Equation (Author's:Ion RIZA, Marius Constantin POPESCU)
1-8 |
2. |
The Use of Housing Problems Structure as a Strategy for Upgrading Ugbene Slum Neighborhood in Enugu City, Nigeria (Author's:Dr. B. O. Uwadiegwu) |
9-18 |
3. |
Application of MATLAB/Simulink Program for Wireless Generalized Predictive Control (Author's:Adnan ALDEMİR, Hale HAPOĞLU, Mustafa ALPBAZ) |
19-22 |
4. |
Design and Implementation of an Attitude and Heading Reference System to Estimate and Predict the Global Localization of a Mobile Robot (Author's:B. B. Salmerón-Quiroz, G. Villegas-Medina, S. A. Rodriguez-Paredes, P. Niño-Suarez, R. Villalobos-Martínez) |
23-28 |
5. |
Effective Utilization of Lean Management in Construction Industry (Author's:A.Chandrasekar, M.Logesh Kumar) |
29-33 |
6. |
Multimodal Image Fusion Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Support Vector Machine (Author's:Anushka B. Jagtap, M.P.Satone) |
34-39 |
7. |
A Visible Light Communication System for Indoor Application (Author's:Amrutha.S, Ansu Mathew, Rajasree.R, Swathy Sugathan; Aravind.S) |
40-42 |
8. |
Removal of Iron from drinking / ground water by using agricultural Waste as Natural adsorbents (Author's:R. Balaji, S. Sasikala, G. Muthuraman) |
43-46 |
9. |
Image compression Using Discrete Haar Wavelet Transforms (Author's:Monika Rathee, Alka Vij) |
47-51 |
10. |
Design and Analysis of Mounting Bracket (Author's:K. Shiva Shankar, Alka Sawale, M. Sampath Kumar Reddy) |
52-55 |
11. |
Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Fixed Life under Quadratic Demand and Nonlinear Holding Cost (Author's:Niketa D. Trivedi, Nehal J. Shukla and Nita H. Shah) |
56-60 |
12. |
Perfect Domination and Packing of Graph (Author's:J.V.Changela, G.J.Vala) |
61-64 |
13. |
Prey Predator Model with Fuzzy Initial Conditions (Author's:Purnima Pandit, Payal Singh) |
65-68 |
14. |
Automatic Speech Recognition of Gujarati digits using Dynamic Time Warping (Author's:Purnima Pandit, Shardav Bhatt) |
69-73 |
15. |
Design of Novel Linear Phase Digital Differentiator (Author's:Pooja, Mohit Kumar, Kirti Rohilla) |
74-77 |
16. |
Study of Seismic and Wind Effect on Multi Storey R.C.C. Steel and Composite Building (Author's:Syed Rehan, S.H.Mahure) |
78-83 |
17. |
Analytical Investigation of Rake Contact, Cutting Forces and Temperature in Turning (Author's:G. Ravi Kumar, T. Kumara Swamy, K. Shiva Shankar, N. Madhavi) |
84-89 |
18. |
Determination of Groundwater Quality Index in Vidyanagar, Davanagere City, Karnataka State, India (Author's:Kalpana G R, Nagarajappa D P, Sham Sundar K M, Suresh B) |
90-99 |
19. |
The Physical Characterization of Household Waste in the City of Mohammedia- Morocco-and the Evaluation of the Financial Impact of its Current Management (Author's:A. EL MAGUIRI, N. FAWAZ, S. SOUABI, L. IDRISSI, A. TALEB, R. VINCENT) |
100-106 |
20. |
Spectral Efficiency and Bit Error Rate Measure of Wireless OFDM System Using Raptor Codes with SUI-3 channel models (Author's:Kuldeep Singh, Jitender Khurana) |
107-111 |
21. |
Weierstrass Approximation Theorem Using Newton Interpolating Polynomials (Author's:Akhil Mittal, Harshad Patel) |
112-114 |
22. |
Effect of Mobility Models on the performance of Proactive and Reactive Routing Protocols (Author's:Ajay Prakash Rai,Preeti Shakya,Vineet Srivastava,Anurag Gupta,Prashant Khare) |
115-119 |
23. |
Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting Capabilities of Transmitter and Receiver Antenna (Author's:Rajiv Dahiya, A. K. Arora and V. R. Singh) |
120-123 |
24. |
Application of Graph Theory in Traffic Management (Author's:Darshankumar Dave, Nityangini Jhala) |
124-126 |
25. |
Design of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) in Energy Conversion Module Based On Multiplier Circuits (Author's:Rajiv Dahiya, A. K. Arora, V. R. Singh) |
127-131 |
26. |
Application of Linear Programming Techniques for Staff Training (Author's:Kashyap M. Gupta) |
132-135 |
27. |
Novel Image Denoising using Series Structure of Wavelet Decomposition with Thresholding (Author's:Apeksha Jain,M. Hasnine Mirja,N.K. Mittal) |
136-140 |
28. |
Physical and Biological Treatments as Integrated Control Measures against Tomato Root Diseases under Field Conditions (Author's:R.S.R. El-Mohamady, Nehal S. El-Mougy, M. M. Abdel-Kader, Mejda Daami-Remadi) |
141-148 |
29. |
Phase and Jitter Noise analysis of Phase Locks Loop (PLL) as Frequency Synthesiser (Author's:Aditi Sharma, Poonam Rana, Suraj Rana) |
149-153 |
30. |
Image Security by Using Fuzzy Graph (Author's:Gamil R.S. Qaid, Sanjay N. Talbar, Ali Abdo M.AL – Kubati) |
154-157 |
31. |
Influence of Sol Composition on Microstructural, Optical and Photocatalytic Properties of Zinc Tin Oxide Thin Film (Author's:Moumita Pal, Susanta Bera, Saswati Sarkar and Sunirmal Jana) |
158-163 |
32. |
Two-Area AGC in Interconnected System Under the Restructured Power System Using BFO With Optimal Control Theory (Author's:Dr. S.K. Gupta Yogendra Arya Shivank Shukla Pankaj Chawla) |
164-169 |
33. |
Linear Predictive Coding Algorithm with its Application to Sound Signal Compression (Author's:Vanik, Rumani Bhataia, Anil Dudy) |
170-173 |
34. |
Stuttered Speech Recognition For Robotic Control (Author's:G. Manjula, Dr. M. Shiva Kumar) |
174-177 |
35. |
Adaptive Synchronization of Rayleigh Fading Channel Using Kalman Filter (Author's:Aman Dhingra, Mohit Kumar, Kirti Rohilla) |
178-182 |
36. |
Parametric Study on Development, Testing andEvaluation of Concrete Funicular Shells (Author's:K. N. Lakshmikandhan, P. Sivakumar, Linu Theresa Jose, K. Sivasubramanian,S. R. Balasubramanian, S. Saibabu) |
183-191 |
37. |
Face Recognition based on Singular Value Decomposition Linear Discriminant Analysis Method (Author's:Manisha Deswal, Neeraj Kumar, Neeraj Rathi) |
192-195 |
38. |
Performance Assessment of Convolution Codes with different modulation technique (Author's:Safina Dhanda, Tazeem Ahmad Khan Malik Azizullah) |
196-199 |
39. |
Performance Analysis of Selective Combining Diversity over Rayleigh Fading Channel in Wireless Communication (Author's:Neelam Yadav, Neeraj Kumar, Neeraj Rathi) |
200-204 |
40. |
Mitigation of Inter-Channel Interference (ICI) based on Zero Force Equalizer in Communication System (Author's:Nisha, Rambir, Sandeep Kumar) |
205-208 |
41. |
Adaptive Equalization of Fractionally Spaced Equalizer Based on Activity Detection and Tap Decoupling (Author's:Manoj, Mohit Kumar, Kirti Rohilla) |
209-212 |
42. |
Quality Factor Evaluation of Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) and Four-Wave Mixing (FWM) in Passive Optical Networks (Author's:Ajay Singh, Jitender Khurana) |
213-217 |
43. |
Vertical Vibration based Electret-Cantilever Method of Micro-Power Generation for Energy Harvesting (Author's:Akin-Ponnle A.E, Ponnle A.A, and Falaki S.O.) |
218-223 |
44. |
Flexural Behavior of RC Sandwich and Hollow Block Bearing Walls (Author's:Al-Tuhami AbuZeid Al-Tuhami AbdAllah and Ahmed Ismail Gabr) |
224-233 |
45. |
Train accurate localization using ultra wide band radio and time reversal (Author's:B. FALL, F. Elbahhar, M. Heddebaut and A. Rivenq) |
234-244 |
46. |
Analysis of the Cash Transaction Counter of Xyz Bank Using Queuing Simulation (Author's:Nityangini Jhala, Darshankumar Dave) |
245-248 |
47. |
Hydro magnetic Mixed Convection Flow through Porous Medium in a Hot Vertical Channel with Span wise Co sinusoidal Temperature and Heat Radiation (Author's:B. P. Garg, K. D. Singh, N. Bansal) |
249-255 |
48. |
Optimal Preservation Technology Investment, Credit Period and Ordering Policies for Deteriorating Inventory under Credit Period Dependent Quadratic Demand (Author's:Nita H. Shah, Digesh Kumar B. Shah and Dushyant Kumar G. Patel) |
256-260 |
49. |
Biometric Solution for Person Identification Using Iris Recognition System (Author's:Kishori B. Jagtap, M.P.Satone) |
261-265 |
50. |
Performance Assessment of NCRI Parboiling System with Local Improved Parboiling (Author's:Gbabo, Agidi and Abdullahi, Lukman) |
266-272 |
51. |
An Oscillatory MHD Convective Flow of Viscoelastic Fluid through Porous Medium Filled in a Rotating Vertical Porous Channel with Heat Radiation (Author's:B. P. Garg, K. D. Singh, A.K. Bansal) |
273-281 |
52. |
Two Problems of Contact Deformation under Real Scheme of Contact Bodies are considered (Author's:X.I.Musayev, R.S.Guliyev, A. O. Yuzbashiyeva) |
282-286 |
53. |
Dual Band Antenna for Wireless Communication (Author's:Rukhsana Khan, Dr.Prashant Sonare, Dr Yogesh Sharma) |
287-290 |
54. |
Utilizability for Chennai, Trivandrum and Visakhapatnam (Author's:R. K. Aruna, B. Janarthanan) |
291-296 |
55. |
Beneficial Effect of Some Yeast and Bio-Fungicides on Peanut Mold infection (Author's:R.S.R. El-Mohamady, M.M. Abdel-Kader, N.S. El-Mougy, N.G El-Gammal, Abd-Alla, M.A.) |
297-302 |
56. |
Manufacturing process with disruption under Quadratic Demand for Deteriorating Inventory (Author's:Nita H. Shah, Dushyant Kumar G. Patel and Digesh Kumar B. Shah) |
303-307 |
57. |
Modelling and simulation of Influenza with Screening (Author's:Nita h. Shah, Jyoti Gupta) |
308-313 |
58. |
Case Study of RC Slab Bridge using Nonlinear Analysis (Author's:Sachin Kulkarni, U.N.Karadi) |
314-320 |
59. |
The Impact Forces End Face Circular Cylinder (Author's:Shamilova G.R) |
321-326 |
60. |
Insult Detection in Arabic On-line Commentary (Author's:Emad Mohamed) |
327-330 |
61. |
Comparative Study of Black Hole as a Hacker in Computer System with Black Holes in Our Universe (Author's:Ved Prakash, Dipo Mahto, Ashok Prasad Yadav, Krishna Murari Singh and Basant Kumar Das) |
331-333 |
62. |
The Hydrodynamic Characteristics Calculus forunmanned underwater vehicle wing using Solidworks Flow Simulation Module (Author's:BALANDIN KIRILL) |
334-336 |
63. |
Water Adsorption/Desorption Isotherms for Characterization of Micro porosity in Powder River Basin Sub bituminous Coal (Author's:Z. Huang, M.A. Urynowicz, J.H. Holles, and R.D. Pribyl) |
337-344 |
64. |
Some Factors Affecting Growth of Fruit Decay Fungi in Vitro (Author's:Mokhtar M. Abdel-Kader, N.S. El-Mougy, N.G El-Gammal) |
345-350 |
65. |
Design and Simulation of 4 Wheel Steering System (Author's:Saket Bhishikar, Vatsal Gudhka, Neel Dalal, Paarth Mehta, Sunil Bhil, A.C. Mehta) |
351-367 |
66. |
Multi-wavelet based Feature Extraction Algorithm for Iris Recognition (Author's:Kavita Anandrao Khobragade, Dr. K. V. Kale) |
368-373 |