S.N. |
Name of Research Article(Volume 3 Issue 10 ,April 2014) ISSN: 2277-3754 (ISO 9001:2008 Certified) |
Page No. |
1. |
Recorrection Stretch Function Of the Spring-Like Elastic DNA Molecules (Author's:Dinh Trung Thai, Van Lanh Chu, Quang Quy Ho)
1-4 |
2. |
An improved transient model of an Induction Motor including magnetizing and leakage inductances saturated effect (Author's:Dr. Ahmed Nasser B. Alsammak, Mohammed FawazThanoon) |
5-12 |
3. |
Induction of fuzzy rules based on scattered datamodeling and multidimensional interpolation: Anovel approach (Author's:D. S. Sfiris) |
13-18 |
4. |
Evaluating the Accuracy of Ensemble Learning Approaches for Prediction on Recurrent Colorectal Cancer (Author's:Chi-Chang Chang, Wen-Chien Ting, Ting Teng, Che-Hsin Hsu) |
19-22 |
5. |
On Local Stereo Matching for High Precision Measurement (Author's:András Rövid, Takeshi Hashimoto) |
23-32 |
6. |
Free oscillations of two concentrically locatedcylindrical shells with a fluid between them (Author's:A. I. Seyfullayev, M. A. Rustamova, S. R. Agasiev) |
33-37 |
7. |
Evaluation of Electromagnetic Radiation Safety from Wireless Transmission Systems in Tulkarm City - Palestine (Author's:Mutamed Khatib) |
38-41 |
8. |
V/f Control of Induction Motor Using SpaceVector Modulation (Author's:Cuckoo Joy, Jyothi. K. G.) |
42-44 |
9. |
Neutron Flux Monitoring System in Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (Author's:M.Sivaramakrishna, C.P. Nagaraj, K. Madhusoodanan, Dr. P. Chellapandi) |
45-53 |
10. |
A Survey on Distance Bounding Protocol for attacks and frauds in RTLS system (Author's:Srikanth S P,Sunita Tiwari) |
54-57 |
11. |
Collaborative Generic Module Design for Object Oriented Quality Profiling (Author's:Priyanka Jain, Dr. Akhil Khare) |
58-62 |
12. |
An Innovative Solution for Cloud Securitythrough Quantitative Analysis of VariousVisual Cryptography Schemes (Author's:R. Kalaichelvi, Dr. L. Arockiam) |
63-67 |
13. |
Image Retrieval by Matching Sketches and Images (Author's:Shashank Tiwari, M.S.Shaikh, Suhas Gavhane) |
68-71 |
14. |
Thermal Stress Analysis in Butt Welded Thick Wall Cylinder (Author's:Harmeet Singh, Som Kumar, Nimo Singh Khundrakpam, Amandeep singh) |
72-75 |
15. |
Two Way User Authentication Using Biometric Based Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks (Author's:Srikanth S P,Deepika S Haliyal) |
76-80 |
16. |
Effective way of Target Tracking and Mobile Sensor Identification using ACO in WSN (Author's:A.G.L.Poonguzhali) |
81-84 |
17. |
Community Detection in a Social Network Using Differential Evolution with Multiple Objective Functions (Author's:Shubhankar Banerjee, Mrigank Shekhar, Nehal Agarwal) |
85-88 |
18. |
Classification and Applications of Bio-impedance Measurement Techniques (Author's:D. K. Kamat, Dhanashri Bagul, Dr. P. M. Patil) |
89-91 |
19. |
Hardware Accelerator for General Purpose Artificial Neural Network (Author's:S. R. Ganorkar, Padmaraj A. Jain) |
92-95 |
20. |
Color Image Compression Using Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform (Author's:Sanjay J Bagul, Navinchandra G Shimpi, Pradeep M Patil) |
96-103 |
21. |
Mathematical modeling of carbon nano structures using symbolic computing (Author's:Rekha Penmatsa, V Senthilkumar) |
104-106 |
22. |
Maintenance Optimization for Critical Equipments in process industries based on FMECA Method (Author's:T. Sahoo, P.K.Sarkar, A.K.Sarkar) |
107-112 |
23. |
Behaviour analysis of stainless steel globe valve under different temperature conditions using FEA (Author's:DR GURUDUTT SAHNI,BALPREET SINGH) |
113-116 |
24. |
The Effect of Black Body Radiation and ElectronInertia on the Jeans Instability of Rotating andMagnetized Gaseous Plasma of Interstellar Medium (Author's:R.K.Pensia, V.Prajapat, V.Kumar, G.S.Kachhawa, D.L.Suthar) |
117-121 |
25. |
Harmonization of financial reporting and audit in banks (Author's:Kopytin V.Y,Vladimir Kopytin,Al Ithawi .Hussein Ali Mohammed) |
122-130 |
26. |
Contourlet Based Image Registration Using Blur Invariants (Author's:P.Noelien Selvarani, M.Jegatheesh) |
131-137 |
27. |
Flat Slab Construction in India (Author's:S.S. Patil, Rupali A. Sigi) |
138-141 |
28. |
Rechargeable Prepaid Energy Meter Based On SMS Technology (Author's:Subhasis Kar, Sayantan Dutta, Anusree Sarkar, Sougata Das) |
142-144 |
29. |
Design and Implementation of Decimation Filterfor 15-bit Sigma-Delta ADC Based on FBGA (Author's:Dr. Khalid K. Mohammed) |
145-150 |
30. |
Technical and financial challenges on Tran‘s boundary Wastewater Management from Palestinian territories (West Bank) to Israel (Author's:Eyad Y. Yaqob, George Sorial and Makram Sudian) |
151-158 |
31. |
Competition of Forces on Trapped Capabilityand Stability of DNA molecules in Optical Tweezer (Author's:Van Lanh Chu, Dinh Trung Thai, Quang Quy Ho) |
159-163 |
32. |
Automated Greenhouse Monitoring System (Author's:Eldhose.K.A, Rosily Antony, Mini.P.K, Krishnapriya.M.N, Neenu.M.S) |
164-166 |
33. |
AC Impedance spectroscopy study on Nickeldoped Cadmium Ferrites Nano particles preparedby sol-gel citrate method (Author's:G.N. Chaudhari) |
167-170 |
34. |
Comparative analysis of basic paradigms in internal audit development (Author's:I. V. Frolova, Al-Mohammedi Younis Ahmed Jassam) |
171-174 |
35. |
Micro Structural Tests of Titanium and its AlloyUsed in the Making of ProstheticReconstructions (Author's:Anna M. Ryniewicz , Łukasz Bojko , Wojciech Ryniewicz , Andrzej Ryniewicz , Rafał Bogucki ,Paweł Pałka) |
175-180 |
36. |
The Replacement of the Potentials as a Consequence of the Limitations Set by the Law ofthe Self variations on the Physical Laws (Author's:Emmanuil Manousos) |
181-185 |
37. |
Adaptive power line and baseline wanderremoval from ECG signal (Author's:Saad Daoud Al Shamma) |
186-190 |
38. |
Segmentation and Analysis of Lung Cancer Images Using Optimization Technique (Author's:Joel George R, Anitha Jeba Kumari D) |
191-195 |
39. |
Assessment of the Quality of Sandcrete Blocks In Use in Owerri Imo State, South-East Nigeria (Author's:Joan I. Arimanwa, Michael C, Arimanwa, Chinenye E, Okere, Chioma T. G. Awodiji) |
196-206 |
40. |
Optical properties of Pulse Plated CuInSe2 ThinFilms (Author's:K.R.Murali) |
207-211 |
41. |
Mesoscale Surface Patterned Silica-Titania Sol-Gel Thin Film on Glass (Author's:Saswati Sarkar, Rimlee Deb Roy, Prasanta Kumar Biswas, Shymal Kumar Bhadra and Sunirmal Jana) |
212-218 |
42. |
Variability of Tropical Tropopause Temperature Associated with Convective Activity in Troposphere (Author's:P. Sujatha, Neerja Sharma, M.M. Ali & C.V. Naidu) |
219-224 |
43. |
Packet Features Extractor for Network Security Systems: Design and Implementation (Author's:Abdullah A. Mohamed; Dia M. Ali) |
225-231 |
44. |
Security through Smart Encryption (Author's:Vishi Tomar, Dr. (Prof.) Jayant Shekhar) |
232-236 |
45. |
An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Association Rules for Large Itemsets in Large Databases (Author's:Dr.Hussam Al-Shorman, Dr.Yosef Hasan Jbara) |
237-240 |
46. |
Port Scan - A Security Concern (Author's:Tariq Ahamad) |
241-246 |
47. |
Automatic Image Mosaicing Using Sift, Ransac and Homography (Author's:Stafford michahial, Latha M, Akshatha S, Juslin F, Ms Manasa B, Shivani U) |
247-251 |
48. |
Application of Predictive Maintenance in Kurdistan Region to Reduce Total Maintenance Costs of the Equipment (Author's:Dr. Farhad Bilal Baha'addin) |
252-254 |
49. |
Experimental Investigations on a four stoke Diesel engine operated by Cotton seed biodiesel blended with Diesel (Author's:Dr V. Naga Prasad Naidu, Prof. V. Pandu Rangadu) |
255-258 |
50. |
A Verifiable Cloud Storage using Attribute Based Encryption and Outsourced Decryption with Recoverability (Author's:R.V.Agalya, K.Karthika Lekshmi) |
259-263 |
51. |
Footstep Power Generation Using Piezo Electric Transducers (Author's:Kiran Boby, Aleena Paul K, Anumol.C.V, Josnie Ann Thomas, Nimisha K.K) |
264-267 |
52. |
Optimal solution of real time problems using Queueing Theory (Author's:Anish Amin, Piyush Mehta ,Abhilekh Sahay, Pranesh Kumar, Arun Kumar) |
268-270 |
53. |
Development and Performance Evaluation of Piggery and Water Hyacinth Waste Digester for Biogas Production (Author's:B.O. Akinnuli, T.O. Olugbade) |
271-276 |
54. |
Electronics Industry and Ecosystems Deterioration in Mexicali City (Author's:Gustavo López Badilla, Ana Luz Tobón Quiala, Jerry Lee Arreola Estupiñan, Germán Guillermo Portela León) |
277-280 |
55. |
Comparison of wave evolution in triangularindex planar waveguides using different metaloxide cores (Author's:Rosmin Elsa Mohan, M. Sivakumar, K.S. Sreelatha) |
281-285 |
56. |
Worm Robot with Dynamic Adaptation to Pipe Diameter for In-Pipe Inspection (Author's:Basem F. Yousef and Nabil Bastaki) |
286-292 |
57. |
Increased Robust Stability of Nonlinear Systems Based on Hyperbolic Umbilic Catastrophe Theory (Author's:Gulnara Abitova, Mamirbek Beisenbi, Vladimir Nikulin) |
293-299 |
58. |
Robotic 2D Plotter (Author's:Dr M Shivakumar, Stafford Michahail, Ankitha Tantry H, Bhawana C K, Kavana H, Kavya V Rao) |
300-303 |
59. |
Development of Differential Colorimetric Analyzer for the Measurement of Iron in Water Solution (Author's:Pravin K. Bhadane, Suchita P. Bhangale) |
304-309 |
60. |
Multiple Sign Language Translation into Voice Message (Author's:Hussana Johar R.B, Priyanka A, Revathi Amrut M S, Suchitha K, Sumana K J) |
310-314 |
61. |
Design of RF Power Amplifier for Military Applications (Author's:Rubeena Mubeeb, Mamatha Shree R, Prathima G.S, Rabia Nikhath, Sowmyashree N) |
315-319 |
62. |
Instabilities in Displacement Process through Homogeneous Porous Media (Author's:Dr. Priti V. Tandel, Dr. P.H.Bhathawala) |
320-322 |
63. |
Nitrogen amount in weld after steel welding with micro – jet cooling (Author's:Tomasz Węgrzyn, Zbigniew Stanik) |
323-326 |
64. |
Simulation Studies of a Current Source Rectifier - DC Motor Using High Pass Filter With PID Controller (Author's:Omar Turath Tawfeeq, Ali Abbawi Mohammed Alabbawi, Nashwan Saleh Sultan) |
327-332 |