S.N. |
Name of Research Article(Volume 1 Issue 2 ,February 2012) ISSN:2277-3754 (ISO 9001:2008 Certified) |
PageNo. |
1. |
Multimodal System Using Human Computer Interface (Author's:Milind V. Lande, Makranand Samvatsar)
2. |
Fuzzy Graph Applications of Job Allocation (Author's:Dr. Senthilraj Swaminathan)
7-10 |
3. |
Different Spectrum Sensing Techniques Used in Non Cooperative System (Author's:Ashutosh Singh,Varsha Saxena) |
11-15 |
4. |
AHP Based Agile Supply Chains(Author's:M. Balaji,P.Madhumathi,Dr.G.Karuppusami,D.Sindhuja) |
16-20 |
5. |
A Low Intricacy Variable Step-Size Partial Update Adaptive Algorithm for Acoustic Echo Cancellation (Author's:USNRao) |
21-24 |
6. |
Protect Online Facilities Using User Authentication Depend on Cloud (Author's:Susheel Chandra Bhatt,Balam Singh Dafuati,Durgesh Pant) |
25-28 |
7. |
Prediction of Tool Wear Using Regrssion and Artificial Neural Network Models in End Milling of AISI 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel (Author's:S.Kalidass,P.Palanisamy,V.Muthukumaran) |
29-36 |
8. |
Sampling Frequency Adaptive Algorithm for Reducing Spectral Leakage (Author's:Jayana Rana) |
37-40 |
9. |
Identification of Progress and Success Factors During Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning Package in Indian Steel Industry- A Case Study on Bhilai Steel Plant (Author's:Suraj Kumar MuktiDr.Priyanka Tripathi,Dr. A.M.Rawani) |
41-47 |
10. |
A Performance Comparison of Current Starved VCO and Source Coupled VCO for PLL in 0.18 μm CMOS Process (Author's:Rashmi K Patil,Vrushali G Nasre) |
48-52 |
11. |
Approximate Solution of Generalized Riccati Differntial Equations by Iterative Decomposition Algorithm (Author's:Taiwo O.A.,Osilagun J.A.) |
53-56 |
12. |
An Analysis of Probabilistic Route Discovery Mechanism based on Node Mobility (Author's:V. Mathivanan,E.Ramaraj) |
57-63 |
13. |
A Low Power Estimation Technique for Logic Gates in VLSI (Author's:B.Mohan Kumar Naik,Dr. Ananth) |
64-66 |
14. |
Analysis and Designing of E-Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna for MIMO Application (Author's:M.B.Kadu,R.P.Labade,A.B.Nandgaonkar) |
67-69 |
15. |
Comparative Analysis of Software Testing Measurement Technique (Author's:Reema Ajmera,Ripu R. Sinha,Dr. C.S.Lamba) |
70-80 |
16. |
Analysis of Link Algorithms for Web Mining (Author's:T.Munibalaji,C.Balamurugan) |
81-86 |
17. |
Survey on Effecient Multicast Routing Protocols to Achieve Group Communication in MANET (Author's:Rajeswari.M) |
87-97 |
18. |
Analyzed Artificial Intelligence through Ethical Implementation (Author's:G.Yogendran,M.Sindhu) |
98-102 |
19. |
Reliability Analysis of Electro-Hydraulic Based Auto-Leveling System for Mobile Platform (Author's:Manmohan Singh,M.D.Jaybhaye,Geeta S. Lathkar,S.K.Basu) |
103-108 |
20. |
Low Power VLSI Technique Using Booth Algorithm for Digital Filter for Hearing aid Applications (Author's:Ankit Jairath,Puneet Namdeo) |
109-111 |
21. |
Conservation of Wind Energy Using Z-Source Matrix Converter (Author's:B.Vaikundaselvan,Dr. R.Dhanasekaran,G.Jegan,N.Prakash) |
112-118 |
22. |
A Survey of Parallel Algorithms for Large Databases and Hardware Implementations (Author's:K S M V Kumar,S Viswanadha Raju,A Govardhan) |
119-129 |
23. |
Methodology for Design and Development of a Digital Image Processing Setup for Thermal Mapping of Gas Turbine Components Using Thermal Paints (Author's:Sachin V. Bhalerao,Dr. A.N. Pawar) |
130-133 |
24. |
Adaptive Antenna System: Design and Applications for the Next Generation Mobile Devices (Author's:Sarosh K. Dastoor, Niteen Patel) |
134-139 |
25. |
Managing Security Using Password Synchronization (Author's:Himanshu Taneja) |
26. |
Digital Watermarking: Review (Author's:Shraddha S.Katariya) |
27. |
Design and Fabrication of Tamarind Cover and Seed Seperation Machine (Author's:A.R.Lende,P.A.Chandak) |
154-160 |
28. |
Brain Tumor Segmentation of Contras Material Applied MRI Using Enhanced Fuzzy C-Means Clustering (Author's:Hari Prasath S.P,G.Kharmega Sundararaj,A.Jaychandran) |
161-166 |
29. |
Image Steganography based on Hybrid Edge Detection and 2K Correction Method (Author's:Amanpreet Kaur,Sumeet Kaur) |
167-170 |
30. |
Analysis of Object Picking Algorithms Using Bounding Box in Non Immersive Virtual World (Author's:K.Meeriliance,Dr.M.Mohamed Sathik) |
171-177 |