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Name of Research Article (Volume 10 Issue 11, May 2021) ISSN: 2277-3754 (ISO 9001:2008 Certified) |
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Train Wheel Force Analysis by Dynamic Analysis of High-speed Train Bridge (Author's: Soontaek Oh, Dongjun Lee, Byeongjun Jeong, Jaeyoung Park, Dajeong Moon) DOI: 10.51456/IJEIT.2021.v10i11.001 Country:Korea
1-6 |
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Filter Design and Amplitude Shaping Methodologies forDe-Noising Digital Hearing Aids (Author's:Prerna Kumari, Deepak Singh) DOI: 10.51456/IJEIT.2021.v10i11.002 Country:India
7-11 |
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Regional Assessment of Ozone across Nigeria, from 2005 to 2018 using NASAGIOVANNI Air Quality (Author's:David-Okoro I.L., Chineke T.C., Nwofor O.K, Mbagwu J P.C and Ewurum N.B.B) DOI: 10.51456/IJEIT.2021.v10i11.003 Country:Nigeria |
12-16 |